Black Lives Matter classified as hate group by FOX news.

Black Lives Matter movement, started from the unrest in Ferguson Missouri when a young, unarmed black man was shot by a city police officer has been vocal in their disdain for police brutality that is often aimed at black and brown citizens and have now been accused of being a hate group.

Their activism and unapologetic rabble-rousing has garnered even international media coverage as well as an international following with supporters from Palestine, Israel, and the United Kingdom stating people of color will no longer be complacent in regards to systematic racism in law enforcement.

In the world of civil rights an understanding of how the media works can go a long way. Knowing that being disruptive and almost ” crazy” will get you noticed and get attention to what you’re saying. Many in the media and public have denounced their tactics but, they are not out of bounds for a civil rights movement and don’t have to do much if anything to recover.

Martin Luther King Jr. himself knew how to use the media of the 1960’s and that knowledge was showcased in the movie Selma. Showing the opposition in a poor light through the media gets results. Recently BLM harassed Bernie Sanders opening the door for bringing race issues with law enforcement into the political sphere. After that publicly televises and shared event, every presidential candidate was asked or talked about BLM.

The Black lives matter movement may be getting flack from the media and namely Fox news but, as a movement and a brand it is exactly what works for them.